
JBC Design

Comfort At Home

5 Simple, Basic Home Maintenance Steps

While, for most people, the value of their house, represents, their single, largest, financial asset, it’s somewhat amazing, so many, do so very little, to protect it, to the best of their abilities. While we’ve all heard the adage, An ounce of Prevention, and some, heed this advice, when it comes to their health, etc, and even some of their other investments, etc, few homeowners do so, regularly. This article will attempt to, briefly, examine, review and discuss, 5 simple, home maintenance steps, which go a long way, towards protecting this investment, in a way, which makes sense, from a more bang, for the buck, perspective.

1. Resealing: Nearly every driveway, uses some sort of paved surface, and most rely on blacktop, because it works well, and is relatively, cost – effective. This tar – based, surface, is what, nearly every road, uses. Because of weather changes, chemicals (such as salt, etc), we generally witness, a degree of wear – and – tear, which begins with slight cracks, and irregularities. Rather than let this go, and hope for the best, or try to ignore it, an effective, cost – efficient way, to proceed, is to seal, this area, on a regular basis. In areas, where there is a significant difference in weather, and temperatures, on a seasonal basis, especially, doing this in the fall, will often prevent further damage, etc!

2. Leaves: Commit to regularly clearing, and removing leaves, both, from ground surfaces, including gardens, lawns, and other surfaces, as well as from roof areas, including leaders, and gutters! Doing so, significantly reduces greater challenges, and potential expenses, such as deterioration, and damage to leaders and gutters. Depending on one’s comfort level, this can be done, by the homeowner, himself, or, by hiring someone, to do it for you!

3. Paint chips: Whether on the inside, or the exterior of a house, addressing paint issues, sooner, rather than later, is the most cost – effective, approach! When there are exterior, paint – chips, scrape and repaint, before it gets worse!

4. Clear drains: If you hope to avoid ground water, issues, it’s important to, commit to clearing the exterior drains, so they can do their job, as designed. Remove leaves, and other obstructions and/ or impediments, so you aren’t faced with unwanted flooding, or excessive, avoidable icing, etc.

5. Seal windows and doors: Is air leaking from below, beneath, or the side of exterior doors, etc? Are your windows keeping the cold out? Paying some attention to this, and using items, such as caulk, door – sweeps, etc, will save energy costs, and keep your house, far more comfortable.

These may seem obvious, but many people, still, don’t address them! Taking these 5 simple, basis, maintenance steps, is a great preventive measure!