SInce, for most, the financial/ economic value, of their house, represents, their single – biggest, personal asset, doesn’t it, make sense, to use, a quality, professional approach, to ensure, it sells, for the highest – possible/ available price, with the best – terms, in the shortest, possible, period of time, with a minimum of hassle/ stress? After, over 15 years, as a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, I strongly, believe, the best way, to achieve, the most – desirable/ beneficial results, is, hiring, the finest professional, for your specific needs, goals, and priorities, who will use a professional approach, to getting, your home, SOLD! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and, why it matters.
1. Strengths; selling; system; systems; solutions; service: Carefully interview, before hiring your agent! Hire someone, who will provide the highest – quality, service, consistently! Honestly, evaluate, and understand, the house’s strengths, as well as weaknesses, and, what might attract, and/ or, turn – off, a potential buyer! What efforts, will be taken, towards, selling the property? Discuss, the system, to be, used, and whether, the individual, you hire, has the solutions, to timely, challenges! Address, whether, the house, has specific systems, which, might, either, attract, quality, qualified buyers, or, deter, their desires!
2. Options; opportunities; offers/ offering; organized: In most cases, the best – organized, agents, get the best results! Understand, and consider, the options, and alternatives, in terms of marketing, selling, pricing, etc, this house! Does it present, any desirable opportunities, the competition, may not? Will it be positions, effectively, so, what you are offering, obtains quality offers?
3. Listen; listing; looks; location: If you seek professional advice, it is wise, to effectively listen, learn, and pay attention, to the advice, and guidance! Don’t be fooled into, believing, the listing price, is, always, the same as the price, it sells, for! Address, any area, where the looks/ appearance, and/ or, location, might be a potential weakness, and be prepared, from the start!
4. Delve deeply; dreams; deals; deeds: Make certain, all potential challenges, are, examined, such as a clean deed, and/ or, title! Delve deeply, into, how your house, may satisfy, a potential buyer’s, dreams! Hire a professional negotiator, who might, transform, offers, to the best deals!
Before offering your house, for sale, carefully, interview, potential representation, and hire, the best professional, for your needs! Are you, ready, willing, and able, to be, a smart, home – seller?
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