
JBC Design

Comfort At Home

Comfortable Home Tips For You

Your home is the place you come to after a long day’s hard work where you can get comfortable and relax, so the last thing you want it to be is a groggy and unhealthy environment. If you feel as though you need to improve the air quality of your house, there are several steps that you can take to make sure that you can achieve this.

Open Up Your Windows Regularly

The most obvious tip that anyone can provide to improving indoor air quality is open up windows. At the end of the day, you’re unlikely to have equipment like a stainless steel ductwork that can rid the poor air quality instantly, smell and germs can easily build up in an environment that isn’t well ventilated, so to make sure it can escape be sure to open your windows regularly and allow fresh air to circulate around the house. Using aerosols or cleaning products are just some examples of how poor air quality can form in and around your house.

Smoke Or Tell Smokers To Do It Outside

Just one drag of smoke has more than 4,000 different chemicals that you inhale at any one time. The thought of that being exhaled into the air can make it extremely dangerous for those who are in regular contact with the environment. To prevent this build up, rather than purchasing an industrial ventilation system, smoke outdoors or tell smokers to smoke outside instead.

Keep Your House Tidy

Objects and equipment that have been in one spot for a long time will eventually catch dust. This is why it’s essential to clean your house regularly so that dust doesn’t form and chemicals in the air don’t settle easily on surfaces. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to wipe your kitchen table every 5 minutes, but giving the house a clean at least once a week is an effective way to improve air quality. A top tip is to do this whilst the windows are open as cleaning products have harmful chemicals that can linger in the air.

Make The Most Of Greenery

Ever thought about giving your house a bit of an interior design makeover? Having plants inside is just as beneficial as planting them in your garden as they can promote good air quality. They use the process of photosynthesis to help with circulating oxygen in the air, replacing the toxic carbon dioxide from it by absorbing it in their roots. The amount they remove from the air isn’t a vast amount, but they can greatly contribute to improving air quality in your home.

To prevent your home from becoming a haven for poor air and germs, you can take these steps to improve the air quality in your home and make it a welcoming environment for everyone. Improving air quality will help the cleanliness of your home and keep you and your family in healthy spirits, even after having a long day.