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Sales Representative Agreement For Higher Sales Result

If you want to increase the sale of your product, you would certainly take the service of a sales representative, who would search for the buyers on your behalf and sell your products. These sales personnel are also very important part of a business and work for the growth of the trading house.

But, it is also necessary that, before taking the service of such sales personnel, the company or trading house should enter into an Agreement with him, for making him wise about the terms and conditions of the company and, remuneration or commission that would be paid to him.

Sales Representative Agreement can be defined as a contract, between a sales person and manufacturer, company, trading house or any other business entities, where the sales representative, agrees to sell products, goods, services of the company, in exchange of certain remuneration or commission. The agreement is legally binding on both parties and can be produced in the court of law for any dispute settlements.

The basic feature of such Sales contract includes following provision, along with numerous other clauses:

• Contact details of both parties.
• Date and location of the Sales Contract
• Date and duration of the agreement
• Compensation or commission details
• Termination Clause
• Duties of the sales personnel
• Mode of Payment and payment conditions
• Product details and nature of the product
• Selling conditions
• Employer responsibility
• Nature of the Employment Contract
• Penalties for the breach of the contract

The Agreement also stipulates that, the sales person is not the employee of the company, but independent sales representative, offering selling service to the company. The signing of the Agreement by both parties, make it legally binding on them. The contract also urges them, to work under the parameter of terms and conditions of the contract and any breach of the agreement may draw penalties for either of them.

If you are also taking the service of any sales personnel to sell your product, you can easily download Sales Representative Agreement from Internet and enter into sales contract with him.